
Project Funding Approval

In the framework of the call “Innovation Investment Projects” with OPS Code 4228 in the Operational Program “Central Macedonia 2014-2020”, the financing of project “Development and combined application of genomic, transcriptomic and mathematical prediction model tools as the basis of an active Bacillus cereus control system and quality assurance management of Greek milk” .

The coordinator of the corporate scheme for the implementation of the project is the MACEDONIKI VIOMICHANIA GALAKTOS MEVGAL headed by Mrs. Gogouli Maria and the scientific manager of the project is the AUTH headed by Professor Mr. Koutsoumanis Konstantinos.


Bacterium Bacillus cereus

Bacillus cereus is an anaerobic sporogenic bacterium that can grow in various environments, including soil, plants, and the intestinal tracts of insects and mammals. It

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